Stefan Zweig 1881 to 1942 (61)

Stefan Zweig was an Austrian author, journalist and biographer. He was born in Vienna, on November 28, 1881, into a wealthy family of Jewish industrialists. "My parents were Jewish only on paper," he said later in an interview, stating that religion did not play a role in his life. He studied philosophy at the University of Vienna, where he earned his doctorate in 1904. During World War II he served in the German Defense Ministry, although throughout his life remained a pacifist and advocated a unified Europe. In the decades of 20 and 30 was one of the most popular writers in the world, especially with his biographies of historical figures who wrote, such as Americo Vespucci, Magellan, Marie Antoinette, Mary Stuart, Honore de Balzac, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Friedrich Nietzsche.

In 1934, after Hitler's rise to power, Zweig fled to Austria and then to England. He lived in England until 1940 when he moved ton the United States. His latest work was "The chess novella" in which he illustrated the psychology of Nazism using chess. In 1941 he went to Brazil, in the mountain town of Petropolis, 68 km north of Rio de Janeiro, where on February 23, 1942 he and his second wife committed suicide, after stating desperate for the future of Europe and its culture.

stefan zweig, world of yesterday, 1st chapter